Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mission for the Real World

Last night I met with one of our 'reimagine' stream churches to consult and help them think thru 'where to from here?'

When I get in those environments there is a part of me that wants to inspire people to dream big and attempt crazy things in the hope that we will connect with those currently out of our reach.

There is another part of me that knows that no matter what great plans we dream up and what schemes we invent, life is much more complicated and messy.

Its easy to walk away from a meeting 'charged up' and ready to roll. Its another to actually get on with the mission that pervades our life and our everyday experience.

These days I find myself leaning much more towards encouraging people to live their ordinary lives, but to do with purpose and to do inspired by the spirit. I have a feeling that if churches were full of these kinds of people then maybe that would be enough.

Of course if you want to develop a new and exciting project then go right ahead. I am all for courageous pioneering and adventurous faith, but just make sure it isn't a substitute for the rigors of living every day as a missionary and being faithful in the circles in which God has already placed you.

As John Butler sings 'the grass may be greener, but its just as hard to mow...'

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